Friday, February 17, 2017

Pranic Healing cures Piles


In this post, I would like to narrate how Pranic Healing has put paid to my struggle with Hemorrhoids, without the necessity of going under surgeon’s scalpel.

I was diagnosed as suffering from 2nd grade Piles problem way back in 2006. Daily commutation to work, inconsistent food habits, work pressure and outside food were cited as some of the common causes for my situation and  prescribed some palliative medicines and anesthetic creams. While the pain and problem subsided after taking medication, the malady reared its ugly head at most inopportune times, whenever there was either heavy work pressure/stress, often after or during official itinerary or both.

At times the throbbing was so severe, that I was forced to work, standing upright. Above that, the embarrassment it caused, in the way of answering each and everyone’s query is a different matter altogether.

Use of Medication only alleviated the problem temporarily, but not nipped the source of the illness. Doctors advised me to undergo surgery to completely eradicate the problem. But the near-death experience of my father during his Piles Operation in 2008 triggered panic and apprehension about the surgery and its success. I declined to undergo surgery and tried alternative therapies along with earlier medication.

Till 2014, I suffered intermittently with 2nd grade piles and cursed my luck. In August 2014, my father was diagnosed as suffering from Prostate Cancer. The illness of my father and his subsequent demise in Sept. 2015 had put a lot of hardship on me, which aggravated my Piles problem. The emotional and psychological trauma, the recurrent travel from my workplace to native place, and physical and mental frazzle had shown its effect on my health and spiked the grade of the piles from 2 – 4 in a span of 6 months.

After the death of my father, I was not able to even sit; the pain was unbearable and was now accompanied by itching and burning sensation. Medication proved very little effective and application of cream caused irritation and itching to spread to adjoining areas.

I switched over to Ayurvedic and Homeo medicine and tried various combinations and supplements. None gave much relief. All the practitioners mainstream as well as Ayurvedic doctors, who examined me, have advised that piles have prolapsed and prescribed Surgery as the only recourse.

The laparoscopic surgeon whom I visited categorically mentioned that I can only delay the inevitable and cannot escape the scalpel, if I ever wanted any relief from the hemorrhoids.


While I was languishing in this state, I received a call from my Pranic Healing Teacher Mrs. Hema Lakshmi garu of Prabhava Healing Center, to attend the next session of Crystal Healing Class. I had already completed my advanced pranic healing course by that time. I summoned enough strength to visit my master and explain my inability. My teacher inquired whether I tried Energy Healing on myself to cure the malady. I replied tentatively and explained that I tried it only twice or thrice but didn't find much relief.

The Energy Healing class just was three days away. My teacher admonished me for not adhering to the protocol and continuing with the practice. She then summoned two of the senior members (Mrs.Madhavi Garu and Kanthammal Garu) of our center to apply Pranic healing on me for the next 3 days (daily 1 session) and assured me that by the grace of Grand Master Choa Kuk Sui and Shri C. Kailash Guruji, I will be able to sit through entire day for the advanced class.  

Pranic healing for piles cure
After 3 days of cleansing and Energizing , I was really able to sit through the entire session of 7 hrs without much pain, as prognosticated by my tutor. Consequently, my seniors continued the Divine healing for another 2 days and instructed me how to continue the process till I get complete relief.

Pranic Healing step to remove negative energy from specific chakra or organ
I followed the protocol to the point and continued the practice for 20 days. The pain and itching gradually eased and was astonished to find that the prolapsed piles, which were tangible earlier, were conspicuously absent. I not only got completely cured of the distressing disease but saved Rs.50,000/- and the pain and uncertainty of the surgery.

During this entire period, I literally abstained from taking any form of medication; painkillers, creams or ointments and supplements.

The laparoscopic surgeon was gobsmacked on hearing that I was completely cured of the Piles problem. Since 1 yr onwards, I haven't faced any problems with my piles.

I owe my deep deepest gratitude to my teacher Hema Lakshmi Garu for not only the guidance and cure but for instilling confidence about my ability to cure diseases of the self and others through Pranic Healing. I am indebted to Shri Sai Shankar garu, for accepting me into the prabhava pranic healing fraternity.

My wholehearted thanks to Mrs. Madhavi Garu and Kanthammal Garu for sparing their valuable time for administering pranic healing on me and inculcating confidence in me to carry out self-healing. 

My humble obeisance to Grand Master Choa Kuk Sui for gifting this elixir to mankind and veneration to Shri C. Kailash guruji for carrying on the legacy in India.

Last but not least my sincere thanks to Someswara Prasad garu and Mrs. Haritha garu for introducing me into the esoteric world of Pranic Healing.

The raison d’être (most important reason or purpose) of this post is to share my experience and edify those who are suffering, on the effectiveness of pranic healing in treating hemmorhoids. If you like the post, please do not forget to share it with your family and friends.

DISCLAIMER: The information provided in this blog is taken from various resources and sites. This Website is not to be used as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment of any health condition or problem. Users of this Web site should not rely on information provided on this Web site for their own health problems. The intent is only to offer health information to help you in your quest for health. The blogger/author does not guarantee the efficacy of the drugs or their outcomes. The author is not liable for any mishap. The interested parties are requested to get in touch with respective institutes, organizations, Hospitals, clinics, doctors and any other concerned parties to verify the authenticity, potency, contraindications, and dosage.

Friday, February 3, 2017



Before learning how Yogas asanas, the alternative treatment that can cure Piles, let us first understand the causes, types and grade of Piles.

Piles are inflamed masses or clumps of tissue in the anal cavity that are full of blood vessels, muscle, and elastic fibers. These lumps or protrusions are called hemorrhoids.


Though the exact cause of the Piles is not known, it is usually associated with increased pressure in the blood vessels in and around the anus. The common causes are:
  1. Constipation
  2. Diarrhea
  3. DeskJobs:  Sitting on chair for longer period
  4. Standing for prolonged period
  5. Obesity
  6.  Junk Food and excessively spicy food
  7. Pregnancy
  8.  Hereditary; having a family history of Hemorrhoids.
  9.  Regularly lifting heavy Objects
  10. Old Age; Body’s supporting tissues getting weaker


Hemorrhoids are of 2 types; Internal Hemorrhoids & External Hemorrhoids.
Internal Hemorrhoids or piles, which are much more common and less painful, occur 2 to 4 cms. above the opening of the anus. 

External Piles also called as perianal hematoma, are located on the outside edge of the anus. 

Classification based on the position of the piles or hemorrhoids on the anus.Types of Piles

Internal Piles are classified into 4 grades depending on the severity of the condition.

Grade 1: These are small swellings on the inside of the anal canal that cannot be seen or felt from outside the canal. 

Grade 2: These are larger than grade 1 piles, but still inside the anal canal. When defecating they may get pushed out, but fall back to its original position unaided.

Grade 3: Often called Prolapsed Piles, these hang out from the anus and can be felt physically by the patient. They can be pushed inside by the patient with his finger.

Grade 4: they permanently stay outside the anus all the time and cannot be pushed back. They sometimes become quite large.

Different Grades of Piles depending on the severity
 While Grade 1 & 2 is treatable through Medication or over the counter drugs, Grade 3 and Grade 4 require surgery.

Yoga for Piles - Ashwini Mudra

According to World Yoga Society, Piles can be cured permanently through Yoga Ashwini, an age-old physical medicine by improving the circulation of blood and tensile strength of anal muscles. The practice of Ashwini Mudra is a relatively easy technique that can be followed by even beginners and non-practitioners, anytime during the day and by any age group.  

Posture to perform Ashwini Mudra

Yoga Ashwini 

Illustration of contracting and relaxing the buttock muscles, perineum & the anal sphincter

Visual Display of  performing Mudra

Ashwini Mudra is derived from the Sanskrit word ‘Ashwa’ which means Horse and Mudra meaning gesture or sign. The basic technique quite simple and is done by contracting and relaxing the buttock muscles, perineum, the anal sphincter and the entire pelvic region in a rhythmic fashion.

To explain in layman terms, Ashwini Mudra is to contract the anus, hold for 5- 10 seconds and then let go and relax. Then repeat the process at least 10 times. According to World Yoga Society, the key lies in repeating the process often to speed up the healing. The Society claims that if Ashwini Mudra is practiced at least 6- 10 times a day for 21 days, the Piles problem will be cured.

Ashwini Mudra can be done in tandem with breathing. This can be done in an inverted position too. 

Yoga Asanas

Other asanas that aid in the cure of piles by way improving blood circulation, strengthening abdominal and pelvic muscles and addressing the main culprit; constipation, are,

For more information on exercises, yoga and diet for piles cure refer to the article “Yoga and Exercise for Piles” , by Dr. Dheeraj Yadav.

  • Yoga practices mentioned here are for otherwise healthy patients (suffering from Piles only).  People suffering from multiple medical conditions are not supposed to try out these on their own. Please consult your Yoga Master and Doctors for a customized workout best suited to your medical condition.
  • Enthusiasts are cautioned not to overdo the Ashwini Mudra (not more than prescribed 6-10 times) as it may result in excessive heat generation in the body or Kundalini problems.
  • People with High B.P., brain problems and Pregnant Women are not supposed to do some of these Yoga Asanas
  • It is advised that the Yoga asanas be performed under the watchful eye of the Yoga Teacher.
Hope and wish that this affordable, non-surgical, holistic and alternative treatment of curing Piles through Yoga Ashwini and other Asanas relieve those suffering of Piles from immense pain and embarrassment.

DISCLAIMER: The information provided in this blog is taken from various resources and sites. This Web site is not to be used as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment of any health condition or problem. Users of this Web site should not rely on information provided on this Web site for their own health problems. The intent is only to offer health information to help you in your quest for health. The blogger/author does not guarantee the efficacy of the drugs or their outcomes. The author is not liable for any mishap. The interested parties are requested to get in touch with respective institutes, organizations, Hospitals, clinics, doctors and any other concerned parties to verify the authenticity, potency, contraindications, and dosage.